Sara and Lorraine

Sara Lynn Evans was the seventh child to be born in a Missouri farm on February 5, 1971. The music industry has been a factor in her life. as early as age five she began singing every weekend in her family's band. The nightclub she was located in Columbia Missouri, she started doing shows when she was sixteen years old. The gig lasted for two years. Her move from Missouri to Nashville Tennessee in 1991 with an aim of becoming a singer-songwriter. Sara did a live version of Tiger By the Tail, one of Harlan Howard's songs in County Q Studios. Harlan Howard was convinced that Sara could perform his songs. She signed a contract with RCA. In 1997, Evans released her first record Three Chords and the Truth. Critics praised the album for returning to traditional country and recognized it on many in their top ten albums of lists. The album was not successful in catching on with country radio at the time and none among the singles reached the top 40. Lorraine Bracco..................... Lorraine Bracco is an American actress, known for her notable performance in the television series. The Sopranos. Born in New York she grew up in Long Island and later moved to France in pursuit of working in show business and began her career as a model. In the following years, she turned her attention to other fields like becoming an radio jockey in radio Luxembourg. At the end of the 1970s, she was the first feature film actress to make her debut as well as appearing in a couple of other French feature films too. Her return to Hollywood after a couple of years so that she could pursue her Hollywood career. Her most awaited Hollywood film achievement came from Goodfellas a performance for which she received nominations for various prestigious awards such as an Academy Award. Although she began her career in film, she eventually took on opportunities for television shows as well and attained significant success in those.

Sara Sara Lorraine Lorraine Anna


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